
Was soll das

eine virtuelle Austellung und
ein wenig Kurzweil in Corona Zeiten

What’s that

a virtual exhibition and a little entertainment in Corona times

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Hop ist der Erste im 3 Sprung

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Hop is the first in the 3 jump

stromy weather

Some heavy storm made the wing sit down

One week later Russia brought war to Ukraine !

The wing by the way is back up in freedom air

Latest modifications

My Joy on europe

The latest modification seperate the bridge pieces better and
integrate the old stumps, which are still lifely in the ground ( red areas )

Looking forward to see it change further!

The wing separated from the pillar

The pillar became weak in the wing support. The new allows still the wing to swing with my heartbeat 1 Hz.

Counting the years as the pillar did, is a very historical, backword oriented attitude and I decided to stop counting. The Wing is now free for the future to come to us.

Tante Fienchen

Tante Fienchen ist eine sehr zierliche, immer ein wenig schwingende, ältere Dame

Linde vom Oranjedijk, ca. 10 Jahre gelagert, leider stockfleckig

Aunt Fienchen is a petite, always a little swinging, elderly lady

Lime tree from Oranjedijk, stored for about 10 years, unfortunately foxed

Köppe / Heads

Köppe machen Spass / Minds are fun

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Johanna Kintner
Andrea Goost
Paul Petry

Exhibition places

Paula Peters
Frans Haverbeke

Wood Donor

Frans Haverbeke
Diemar Rausch
Roland Kreutz
Thomas Leppak
