rule based

lieber in deutsch

A rule

  1. Position a triangle
  2. take another triangle
    place it on top of the previous one
    wist it by an angle (W)
  3. take another triangle
    place it on the position of the penultimate one
    twist it in the opposite direction by the angle (-W)
  4. take another triangle
    place it on the position of the penultimate one
    twist it by the angle (W)
  5. repeat 3
  6. repeat 4
  7. and so on until you run out of triangles.


Use triangles instead
Cork coasters.

Intersection body

is the intersection of the twisted elements.

Union body

unites the two sets

a ruled body

Take a closed space curve
mark an even number of points roughly evenly on the curve.
connect any 2 points together
choose 2 neighboring points and connect them
you get a ruled surface.

The link to Karl Schlamminger must not be missing